“As a yoga instructor for over 11 years, I tend to seek more holistic healing options. Luckily, my PCP knows and understands that. Although, this past winter, I found myself sitting in her office with tears running down my cheeks." - Krista Wright, SEBB employee

"I had been diagnosed with anxiety and I was crushed. How could a person like me, with so many tools to deal with depression, anxiety, stress, etc., need a drug? I did not want to take an antidepressant. I did not want to admit defeat.

"My doctor reminded me that I cannot do all things and that this medication could be used for a short time to help me till I got back in my groove.

“I begrudgingly agreed. Even though the medication gave me headaches, I began taking a small dose on a regular basis. I stopped having heart palpitations. I got back on my feet in a few months, and I slowly took myself off the medication, though I did have to endure another week or two of headaches.

“The moral of the story is that I am blessed to have health care that offers service where an amazing doctor works. One who listens to me as a human, not just a patient number or statistic. I feel like she truly cares.”

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