Preparing for retirement Preparing for retirement can be overwhelming. Before deciding when you want to retire, you should understand how several fact...
Looking forward to more options for PEBB vision coverage PEBB members NOT enrolled in Medicare have more vision coverage options for 2025.
Who is HCA? Learn how the Health Care Authority, PEBB Program, SEBB Program, and insurance carriers work together.
Know your options if you’re unable to work due to illness or injury Do you know if you have long-term disability insurance?
When a provider leaves a plan’s network Get the inside scoop on how provider network negotiations work.
Benefits 24/7 is here! Benefits 24/7 launched in January and replaced PEBB My Account and SEBB My Account. You can use it to access your PEBB and SE...
Medical benefits can change the outlook of a pregnancy “I was not one to think about insurance very often, or to worry too much about the coverage provided, until a trying time a c...
Tiny teeth, giant impact A child’s first teeth play a big role in their development, and it’s important to take care of them from the start.
Get ready! A new SmartHealth is here Have you heard? WebMD is the new SmartHealth program vendor. This updated experience will have new features, smarter tools, a...
Get to know Benefits 24/7 Benefits 24/7 is the new online enrollment system for the PEBB and SEBB Programs.