As soon as she was born, Kyra Williams was enrolled in Washington Apple Health for Kids with premiums, funded through the federal Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Born with blood incompatibility jaundice, Kyra would need testing, treatment and equipment to thrive.

Her mom, Jazmin Williams, had insurance at that time that would pay for initial testing, but nothing else. A social worker at the hospital worked with Jazmin to sign Kyra up for Apple Health for Kids. Kyra was able to come home with the medical equipment she needed to live through the first week of her life.

Jazmin is so thankful the social worker helped her navigate the health care system while she was recovering in the hospital and caring for a newborn.

Though her health continues to improve, Kyra still has seizures several times a month, resulting in multiple emergency room visits. An MRI scan is required nearly every visit to make sure there is no internal brain bleeding or ruptures. She takes seizure medication twice a day to prevent prolonged episodes.

Without CHIP, Kyra’s neurosurgery would have cost more than $150,000. Her emergency room visits and MRIs could also easily cost thousands per month. Thanks to CHIP, Jazmin only has to pay $20 a month for her daughter’s medical premium.

Kyra is eight now and in the second grade. She loves science and math, and anything where she can build and be creative. With the regular medical care she receives, she’s able to have better health and the support system she needs as she goes through her health journey.

Her school has made accommodations for Kyra, where she works with a specialist to make sure she has no developmental setbacks. Her friends love to play with Kyra, and they’ve even made up new games with her teachers to play at recess to make sure she won’t be hit in the head.

CHIP provides health care coverage for more than 50,000 children in Washington State. Without it, medical care costs would be out of reach for many of these families.

To find out if your children qualify for Apple Health for Kids, apply online at

Has Apple Health positively changed your life?

We’re offering a $50 gift card if we use your story! We want to share your story to inspire others who don’t have health insurance to sign up for free or low-cost health coverage.

If you would like to share your story email us a summary of how Apple Health has made a difference in your life. Include your full name and contact info. We will follow up with you for an interview.

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